These are the changes to be compatible with Plastic SCM 4.0

Review Request #2798 — Created Jan. 17, 2012 and submitted




These are the changes to be compatible with Plastic SCM 4.0

  1. Same question with this change. Does this only work with Plastic 4.0, or will it also work with existing installs of older versions?
  1. Sorry for the delay on this. We've been pretty behind on the patches lately due to some other work.
    The RB bits are going into a release this week (they're in the tree now). We can do a release with this too, though right now it doesn't apply. Rather than edit it, it's probably better for you to update it since you're in a better place to test it. We'll wait to do a RBTools release for this.
    1. Ok, sounds nice; so do you need that I do anything else on my side? Appart from testing the plugin as soon as it gets integrated, of course.
    2. Yeah, if you can just merge the latest from RBTools master into your change and update the review request, I can apply it and push it upstream.
    3. All right, I'll try to do it today if possible. I'll let you know as soon as it's done.
    4. Hi, Christian:
      These are the steps I followed:
      $ git fetch upstream
      $ git merge upstream/master
      $ git checkout --ours rbtools/clients/ (to keep my changes)
      $ git add rbtools/clients/
      $ git commit -m "using my changes in the plugin"
      $ git pull origin master
      Then I tried again a fetch and everything was up to date :-)
      Now I have to update the review; I did:
      Traceback (most recent call last):
        File "./", line 1307, in <module>
        File "./", line 1211, in main
          args = parse_options(sys.argv[1:])
        File "./", line 967, in parse_options
          default=get_config_value(configs, 'PUBLISH', False),
      TypeError: get_config_value() takes exactly 2 arguments (3 given)
      But I don't remember what the parameters were :-(
      Maybe I don't have to create a new review, but update this existing one...
      Could you please help me?
      Another question: will you integrate the changes in the rbtools repository as well as the ones included in the reviewboard repository? Both changes are necessary...
    5. I forgot to say that I was using the py script that I downloaded from the repository. I think that this was what I did the last time I posted a review.
      I found this in the web page:
      and tried this:
      $ -r 2798
      Traceback (most recent call last):
        File "./", line 1307, in <module>
        File "./", line 1211, in main
          args = parse_options(sys.argv[1:])
        File "./", line 967, in parse_options
          default=get_config_value(configs, 'PUBLISH', False),
      TypeError: get_config_value() takes exactly 2 arguments (3 given)
      But still I am doing something wrong :-(
    6. It looks like you have an older version of rbtools installed on the system. You'll have to install the new one, not just download
    7. Ping?
  1. Actually, I managed to get a copy of the diff out and submitted it. Thanks!
Review request changed
Change Summary:
Pushed to master (cff7cb0). Thanks!