Added javascript to uncollapse message issues before navigating to them. (Would not navigate if collapsed before)

Review Request #2646 — Created Oct. 6, 2011 and discarded — Latest diff uploaded


Review Board


Added javascript to uncollapse message issues before navigating to them. (Would not navigate if collapsed before)

-Added .click listener to issue descriptions in table.
-Added an id attribute to each issue in order to be able to locate them using jquery.

-Changed <b> to <strong>
-Added trans blocks around every static piece of text.
-Redistributed the CSS classes based on Dave Druska and Mike Conley's recommendation.
-Alphabetized the ordering of CSS rules.
-Double space indentation for rules.

CSS enhancements to Issue Summary Table.

Issue Summary Table starts collapsed.
Increased anchor width to 100%.
Added :hover coloring.
Added left-most and right-most borders.
Fixed padding on Issue Summary Table.
Removed Table if no issues are found.

Removed table entirely if no issues are found.
Removed table row spacing.
Added blue border color for :hover event.
Removed unnecessary CSS rules.
Linux (Ubuntu 11.04): FF 7.01, Chromium 12.