I'm unsure about this change. This definitely will be frowned upon at many places using Review Board, because it's handy to just reply to a user if you need to or to keep filters by e-mail addresses. If this is something you really need for your install, I'd suggest a new setting. Say, settings.EMAIL_USE_CUSTOM_SENDER, and settings.EMAIL_SENDER_SUFFIX (for the "(RB)"). What's the reasoning for this change? Isn't it a good thing to see these sent from the user that made the change? It's just an automated way for the user to send out the e-mail. This will mess with threading and conversations in several e-mail clients.
This will also have to be optional, defaulted to off. People will probably have our heads if they can no longer see their own review requests sent out, since it won't be in their outbox.
Using [Labels] is bad for a lot of setups like ours at VMware, where you have lots of listservs and are already filtering by [Labels]. We try to keep e-mails threaded and have them look like replies (they're more natural that way), so the Re: is going to be required. In this case, since we have different ideas of how this should look to our users, I suggest another settings key: settings.EMAIL_REVIEW_SUBJECT_PREFIX Or some such. This will default to "Re: Review Request: " and you can change it to "[RB] Reviewed: " for your settings_local.py.
Improve review emails
Review Request #208 — Created Jan. 24, 2008 and discarded
Several improvements: * includes user for use in templates * sets From and subjects to a format more easily distinguishable as autogenerated * does not send mail to the initiator of an action; he knows what he did