Review Board user page (with hover preview).

Review Request #1953 — Created Nov. 29, 2010 and submitted — Latest diff uploaded


Review Board


Currently when a user visits /users/<user name>, all of the review requests of that user are shown.  This patch modifies this page slightly to include more information.  This is a first step, and I've tried to make it as simple as possible.  Further modification will probably be needed.

I have also added a hover preview.  When the cursor moves over top of a user name a small preview of that user will be shown (see screenshot).  This feature is only supported on the review request pages (not in the "submitters" page for example).  This could be added later, but was omitted due to the possibility of too many images appearing.
Manual testing.  The way the hover preview works might need to be tested outside of the review request page.  

Also only tested on chrome and firefox.