Intermedia review for GoogleCode issue tracker integration
Review Request #1914 — Created Nov. 14, 2010 and discarded
The project is still under development. This is an intermediate for some free-back.
- Diff:
Revision 3 (+545)
Hongbin - I've just realized that this review request wasn't targeted to a specific group, and "people" was set to just me. Could you add the "reviewboard" reviewer group to this review request? Thanks, -Mike
Hongbin: Sorry for the delay on this. Thanks for posting it! I'm really impressed with this, considering the computer issues you've been having, and Python being a new language to you! I have a few comments/questions below. I got the extension posting comments on a GoogleCode Project I set up ( which was great! I had to monkey around a little though, since my RB's project name is "Review Board", and the GoogleCode Project name was rbbugtracker. I mention that issue again below. I reviewed about 3/4 of this, and I hope to do the last quarter tomorrow sometime. Thanks, -Mike
Seeing this, it makes me wonder: What if we have GoogleCodeBugtracker, BugzillaBugtracker, etc, all separate extensions - but all of them *require* RBBugTracker? This way, if I just want to use GoogleCodeBugtracker, I install it, it automatically installs RBBugTracker and imports the libraries from it, etc. That'd mean you could skip having RBBugTrackerExtension *knowing* about all of those various bug-tracker extensions. Thoughts? It might not be practical to try something like that before the end of semester, but it might be the way to take this thing.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but since extension was declared outside of the scope of RBBugTracker, I don't think you need to declare it global.
Instead of printing this to console, we should be logging problems like this, and returning a useful error message.
Ok, I think I see what you're doing. In this case, I think you could simplify with: if BUG_TRACKER_INFO[name]['host'] in review_request.repository.bug_tracker:
If something goes wrong, it needs to be logged. Anyone feel free to correct me on this - but for stuff like this, we'll probably want Review Board to carry on, even if it failed here. It should log the info...but it shouldn't break if we couldn't contact GoogleCode, for instance.
If we want regularity and re-use, we might want GoogleCode to subclass from a generic BugTracker class...
This could be a problem. My project could be called "Mike's Great Project" - but Google Code doesn't let me have a project name with spaces. We might want to add a step in the configuration that has users specify the name of their project on Google Code.
Again - see my comment about URL dispatching, and maybe glance elsewhere around Review Board to see how URLs are done.
We might want to extract that magic string and put it up as a constant after the imports. That's what I tend to do, anyhow.
Hrm. True/False boolean values are probably simpler, then you could do: review_checked = get_review_checked(), etc...
I think there might be an easier way to do this. I'm not 100% on url dispatching in Django though... maybe give this a quick glance: get_absolute_url, reverse, and resolve strike me as possibly important keywords.
Hongbin: I'm not experiencing the same difficulty with reverse that you are. See below. Can you send me some URL's with documentation on the error you've mentioned? Thanks, -Mike
You've imported "include" without using it, and it can be removed. Also, two spaces between "from django.conf..." and "urlpatterns =" please.
Strange - I'm not getting those failures that you're mentioning. 100% of the time, reverse('RBBugTracker.googlecode.views.save_username') generated '/RBBugTracker/googlecode/save_username/' for me. Also, if you're referring to the include in googlecode/ - you're not actually using it. You've imported it, but it's unused. I've tagged it with it's own comment.
Sorry. I am wrong. The 20% failed was not happened here. I am OK to change to reverse() here. The 20% failed is on another The url should be "http://localhost:8080/admin/extensions/RBBugTracker.extension.RBBugTracker/config/"
- Change Summary:
Final version of the RB bug tracker extension.
- Diff:
Revision 4 (+654)