Show the time a review request was added in detail view.
Review Request #1554 — Created April 29, 2010 and discarded
Shows Request Added field in review request detail, as requested by ticket 1594.
Tested manually.
How does this look when the browser window is smaller? Might be nicer just to put this under "Updated"
- Change Summary:
A few things: 1) I've added some screenshots showing the first alternative at smaller window sizes 2) I've added a patch/screenshot with the added date underneath the "Updated" I'm not sure if tossing in some DIV blocks is the preferred way to go - and totally open to styling suggestions.
- Change Summary:
Ok, I've added a template tag to try to detect whether or not the time_added and last_updated for the review request are significantly different. I didn't just use a ifnotequals tag, because when a draft gets published, its "time_added" (I believe) gets cloned to the published review request, and publishing updates the "last_updated". So time_added will never equal last_updated. The tag I've put in checks to see if the difference between the times is 45 seconds. Pretty arbitrary. Open to suggestions.