Pop up auto-generated dialogs for Upload Diff and Upload Screenshot

Review Request #144 — Created Aug. 24, 2007 and submitted


Review Board SVN (deprecated)


Extended our dialog framework to support the creation of YUI dialogs based on Django Form objects. Submissions are handled asynchronously and error information is displayed on the form. When uploading, there's a spinner and "Uploading..." text so that the user knows something is happening.

The Upload Diff and Upload Screenshot links now pop up these dialogs, preventing the user from having to leave the page. The experience is much nicer.
Made sure I could upload diffs and screenshots. Put in lots of invalid data, left out fields, etc. and got the appropriate error messages.
  1. This looks pretty OK, for the most part.  I'd like to see more documentation (especially on the javascript side).
    It'd also be nice to revisit the styling of the dialogs.  The default YUI styles are pretty hideous :(
  1. This looks pretty OK, for the most part.  I'd like to see more documentation (especially on the javascript side).
    It'd also be nice to revisit the styling of the dialogs.  The default YUI styles are pretty hideous :(