Gracefully handle errors communicating with the queue.

Review Request #14374 — Created March 18, 2025 and updated




When the queue is down or non-responsive, we end up with long exception
traces in the log files but nothing useful on the front-end. Tool
updates and tool runs will spin and spin until they time out.

We now have error handling code around all code communicating over
Celery, logging errors and stack traces with a trace ID.

Tool runs (both manual and automatic) will fail to the error state with
an "error running tool (error ID XYZ)", instead of waiting to time out.

Worker status checks will once again display a suitable error message
and include information in the logs. We had code that attempted to
provide a good result, but it was checking for IOError, and nothing in
the Celery communication code uses that anymore.

Tool refreshes in the Tools database list now alert with an error and
reset the state. This has also been updated to be more accessible and
prioritize Ink styling if available.

Shut down RabbitMQ and tested all the functionality: Manual tool runs,
automatic tool runs, worker status checks, and tool refreshes. Verified
the log output and the user-facing output in all cases.

Tested the newer tool refresh UI on Review Board 6 and 7.

Unit tests pass.

Summary ID
Gracefully handle errors communicating with the queue.
When the queue is down or non-responsive, we end up with long exception traces in the log files but nothing useful on the front-end. Tool updates and tool runs will spin and spin until they time out. We now have error handling code around all code communicating over Celery, logging errors and stack traces with a trace ID. Tool runs (both manual and automatic) will fail to the error state with an "error running tool (error ID XYZ)", instead of waiting to time out. Worker status checks will once again display a suitable error message and include information in the logs. We had code that attempted to provide a good result, but it was checking for `IOError`, and nothing in the Celery communication code uses that anymore. Tool refreshes in the Tools database list now alert with an error and reset the state. This has also been updated to be more accessible and prioritize Ink styling if available.
Description From Last Updated

I'm pretty sure that you can just use ink-c-button here. All <button> elements already receive rb-c-button styling without having to …


Is the indentation here supposed to be outside of the {% or inside? I thought it was supposed to be …

Checks run (2 succeeded)
flake8 passed.
JSHint passed.
  1. Ship It!
  2. Show all issues

    I'm pretty sure that you can just use ink-c-button here. All <button> elements already receive rb-c-button styling without having to add the class name (this happens in reviewboard/static/rb/css/ui/buttons.less). And it's safe to have ink-c-button classes on RB6 servers, since it doesn't exist and won't do anything. I've been doing this for some buttons in Power Pack 6 and it works.

  3. Show all issues

    Is the indentation here supposed to be outside of the {% or inside? I thought it was supposed to be inside like:

    {% if ... %}
    {%  trans ... %}