Convert RB.CommitView to TS/spina and Ink.

Review Request #14105 — Created Aug. 15, 2024 and updated — Latest diff uploaded


Review Board


This change converts the CommitView class to TypeScript, and replaces
various UI elements with Ink. In particular:

  • Several icons have been switched from fontawesome to Tabler icons
    bundled in Ink.
  • The progress spinner when creating a post-commit review request now
    uses <Ink.Spinner>.
  • The confirmation dialog uses <Ink.Dialog>

This also fixes a couple ugly interaction issues relating to what is
happening when during the event handler. The big problem was that we
were always creating the confirmation dialog and then handling other
cases in the confirm handler. This meant that for commits that had an
existing review request, we'd prompt them to create a new review request
and then just open the existing one. For inaccessible commits, we'd
prompt them and then do nothing. These conditions are now checked at the
top of the click handler, so we don't prompt the user unless we really
need to.

  • Ran js-tests.
  • Created new review requests for commits and saw that the interaction
    worked correctly for both confirm and cancel.
  • Clicked on commits with existing review requests and saw that the page
    linked directly without any prompt.
  • Verified the appearance of the new icons and spinner.

