Make the scale and moveState attributes of RegionCommentBlockView public.

Review Request #13986 — Created June 18, 2024 and submitted — Latest diff uploaded


Review Board


When converting the RegionCommentBlockView class to TypeScript, we made all
of its attributes private. With the doc review work in Power Pack, we'll have
a child class of RegionCommentBlockView for document region comments. We
want to be able to access the scale and move state attribute from this
child class, but we can't do this since they've become private on RB7.

This reverts back to how we had them before, renaming them from private
variables to their old _scale and _moveState names thus making them
public. This also means that for doc review region comments in Power Pack,
we don't have to deal with variable name compatibility, since the _scale
and _moveState name is used across RB5, 6, and 7.0.1.

One thing to note is that this means Power Pack 6 doc review region comments
will be broken on Review Board 7.0, they'll only be supported on 7.0.1+.
And, Power Pack 5.2.4's PDF review comments are only supported on 7.0.1+.
These comments are currently broken for 7.0. anyways.

Ran JS unit tests.

Tested created/moving/resizing/deleting PDF region comments.

Tested created/moving/resizing/deleting image region comments.

