Add a new Patch class for representing patches to apply.

Review Request #13969 — Created June 10, 2024 and submitted — Latest diff uploaded




The new rbtools.diffs.patches.Patch represents a patch that can be
applied to a source tree. It consists of patch content or a patch file
path, along with optional information needed to apply the patch, such as
the commit author and message, base directory, and path prefix strip

To access the contents of a Patch, you first call open(). This is a
context manager that ensures you can get to the content or file path,
and that any temporary state is then cleaned up after use.

A Patch can also be assigned to a PatchResult. This is optional,
but will let a receiver of a PatchResult access information on the
underlying Patch.

Currently, Patch isn't being used, but it will form a key part of the
upcoming work on how patches get applied to repositories.

Unit tests pass.

Tested this in some in-progress patching code.

