Fix expanding collapsed reviews when opening links to them.

Review Request #13946 — Created June 5, 2024 and submitted — Latest diff uploaded


Review Board


We had some code in the ReviewRequestPageView to expand any entries that
contain an element with the window's hash, but this was only looking at
children of the entry views. For review entries, the entry view's
element itself has the ID, so we weren't doing anything. The page would
scroll purely based on the browser's behavior.

This change makes it so we test both the entry's element as well as look
for any children of that element.

I've also put the actual scroll call into a requestAnimationFrame()
callback to allow the page to reflow if necessary when expanding the
entry, which helps do a better job if the entry being expanded is at the
bottom of the page.

  • Ran js-tests.
  • Opened pages with #reviewXXXX hashes in the URL and saw that the
    correct review was now expanded and scrolled to.

