Fix scrolling to anchor when loading the diff viewer.

Review Request #13908 — Created May 29, 2024 and submitted


Review Board


We have a variety of ways that we link to specific places in the diff
viewer, and one of the most common and useful is clicking on the link
from a comment to jump straight to the comment in context. This was
broken a while back.

The fundamental cause here is that the selectAnchor() method is
checking whether the comment flag's element is shown, but
TextBasedCommentBlock defers its own show operation in order to let
layout settle. We therefore were always bailing early.

This change makes two fixes:

  • We now defer the whole operation for the #startAtAnchorName thing.
    This lets it run after comment flags have shown themselves.
  • We check the return value of selectAnchor() and verify that we
    actually did something before clearing out the saved anchor name.
  • Ran js-tests
  • Clicked on a bunch of links from diff comments and saw that they
    now properly scrolled the page.
  • Checked explicitly that a link to a comment on the last file on the
    page worked.
Summary ID
Fix scrolling to anchor when loading the diff viewer.
We have a variety of ways that we link to specific places in the diff viewer, and one of the most common and useful is clicking on the link from a comment to jump straight to the comment in context. This was broken a while back. The fundamental cause here is that the `selectAnchor()` method is checking whether the comment flag's element is shown, but `TextBasedCommentBlock` defers its own show operation in order to let layout settle. We therefore were always bailing early. This change makes two fixes: - We now defer the whole operation for the `#startAtAnchorName` thing. This lets it run after comment flags have shown themselves. - We check the return value of `selectAnchor()` and verify that we actually did something before clearing out the saved anchor name. Testing Done: - Ran js-tests - Clicked on a bunch of links from diff comments and saw that they now properly scrolled the page. - Checked explicitly that a link to a comment on the last file on the page worked.
Description From Last Updated

This comment has an extra *, it should just end with */.


Same here.

  2. Show all issues

    This comment has an extra *, it should just end with */.

  3. reviewboard/static/rb/js/reviews/views/diffViewerPageView.ts (Diff revision 1)
    Show all issues

    Same here.

  1. Ship It!
Review request changed
Change Summary:
Pushed to release-7.x (94b9f46)