Improve a lot of typing for BaseResource.

Review Request #13847 — Created May 8, 2024 and submitted — Latest diff uploaded


Review Board


The BaseResource implementation in TypeScript had (and continues to
have) a number of issues. A lot of this stems from just bad design
decisions that were made before we even thought too much about typing or
polymorphism, but some of it is just mistakes or poor understanding of
TypeScript when I first converted it.

This change does the following:

  1. Switches the order of TOptions and TExtraOptions. I had followed
    what Backbone.Model did, but didn't realize that the spina
    BaseModel swaps them. This was making it so our call to
    CombinedModelConstructorOptions was creating errors.
  2. Adds a base resource data interface, and extends that for subclasses
    that currently define the resource data structure.
  3. Moved payloadFileKeys into the BaseResource implementation. This
    was currently only defined in FileAttachment, but it's used inside
    of BaseResource and by other (not-yet-typescriptified) subclasses.
  4. Changed validate to take in a Partial<TDefaults> instead of
    TDefaults, which matches our usage of this method.
  5. Added type labels for everything that's in prototypeAttrs as
    instance members too. This shuts up the type checker about these
    magical properties.
  6. Properly passed in the attributes type for DraftReview.
  7. Added some missing type labels.

Changes 1 & 2 are technically breaking, but the only class that was
affected was ReviewRequest, and it seems highly unlikely that any
third-party code is using this yet, so I want to do it now.

What this doesn't fix is our decision to override fetch, save, and
destroy with incompatible signatures. I'm still puzzling over what to
do there to make it so we don't get huge horrible warnings about any
resource class not being compatible with Backbone.Model.

Ran js-tests.

