Tweak and improve standard container, link, and text design tokens.

Review Request #13814 — Created May 2, 2024 and submitted — Latest diff uploaded




Container outlines are now a bit darker on light mode, providing
slightly better contrast. The "weak" outline is now equivalent to the
previous normal outline.

Weak text colors have had contrast reduced just a bit, helping it stand
out better from normal text on container backgrounds.

Light and dark link color variables are now provided, letting UIs use
them as needed.

A design token for sidebar item background colors has been removed, as
it wasn't used or fleshed out.

Been using these as part of the work in Review Board. Screenshots have
been taken with these definitions.

Diff Revision 1 (Latest)


First Last Summary ID Author
Tweak and improve standard container, link, and text design tokens.
Container outlines are now a bit darker on light mode, providing slightly better contrast. The "weak" outline is now equivalent to the previous normal outline. Weak text colors have had contrast reduced just a bit, helping it stand out better from normal text on container backgrounds. Light and dark link color variables are now provided, letting UIs use them as needed. A design token for sidebar item background colors has been removed, as it wasn't used or fleshed out.
917153d3300e5e32efe3fc4d97fc468fe36def82 Christian Hammond