Display the correct value for the client web login server capability and add docs.

Review Request #13693 — Created April 3, 2024 and submitted — Latest diff uploaded


Review Board


When building the client web login capability in the server info resource,
we would grab the client_web_login setting from the site configuration
but use a default value of False if the setting doesn't exist in the site
configuration. We should actually be using the default value that is set in
siteconfig.py, which is True. This change fixes that.

This change also adds documentation that explains how certain services can
authenticate to Review Board via the login page and that API tokens will be
automatically created for them. We also add docs for the automatic token
expiration setting that was added in the admin authentication page.

  • Tested rbt login to a server that didn't have a client_web_login
    setting in site config, saw that it defaulted to web-based login.
  • Built and viewed the docs that I added.
  • Ran unit tests.

