Tweak units and add new design tokens for better UI consistency.

Review Request #13679 — Created March 28, 2024 and submitted




This is another set of tweaks to the sizes, units, and available design
tokens based on the work integrating Ink with Review Board:

  • More font size design tokens have been added.

  • New design tokens for input elements and headers have been added.

  • Spacing units are now smaller, based ona 0.8em base scale. This
    gives us some more reasonable sizes for "small", "medium", and
    "large". An "XXL" design token has also been added.

  • The button font size is now a bit larger, adding some emphasis to
    buttons and separating it from nearby text.

  • Header and footer border and text colors have been improved to better
    fit in with overridden colors (now using semi-transparent black/white

  • Weak colors have been tweaked to use semi-transparent colors, and the
    weak text design token was renamed for consistency.

Tested in Review Board with some in-progress work. Verified that the
new styles gave us more control and better fit into the existing UI.

Summary ID
Tweak units and add new design tokens for better UI consistency.
This is another set of tweaks to the sizes, units, and available design tokens based on the work integrating Ink with Review Board: * More font size design tokens have been added. * New design tokens for input elements and headers have been added. * Spacing units are now smaller, based ona `0.8em` base scale. This gives us some more reasonable sizes for "small", "medium", and "large". An "XXL" design token has also been added. * The button font size is now a bit larger, adding some emphasis to buttons and separating it from nearby text. * Header and footer border and text colors have been improved to better fit in with overridden colors (now using semi-transparent black/white borders). * Weak colors have been tweaked to use semi-transparent colors, and the weak text design token was renamed for consistency.
  1. Ship It!
Review request changed
Change Summary:
Pushed to master (02709bb)