Produce cleaner readable and minified CSS files.

Review Request #13618 — Created March 6, 2024 and submitted




We now depend on cleancss, a tool that helps consolidate, clean, and
minify or beautify CSS files. It will take care of consolidating
redundant rules and media selectors, removing comments, using more terse
forms of CSS rules, and more.

This is used as part of our build pipeline. We produce an initial
_build/ink.css file, which then gets turned into a lib/ink.css that
is readable but optimized, and a lib/ink.min.css that is compact and
suited for browsers.

Built the CSS. Compared the resulting versions to the source files,
verifying that nothing important was lost but that a lot of redundancy
was cleaned up.

Also verified that the ink.css is readable while ink.min.css is

Summary ID
Produce cleaner readable and minified CSS files.
We now depend on `cleancss`, a tool that helps consolidate, clean, and minify or beautify CSS files. It will take care of consolidating redundant rules and media selectors, removing comments, using more terse forms of CSS rules, and more. This is used as part of our build pipeline. We produce an initial `_build/ink.css` file, which then gets turned into a `lib/ink.css` that is readable but optimized, and a `lib/ink.min.css` that is compact and suited for browsers.
  1. Ship It!
Review request changed
Change Summary:
Pushed to master (8d5f049)