Add a registry model and view for managing keyboard shortcuts.

Review Request #13591 — Created Feb. 29, 2024 and submitted — Latest diff uploaded




Part of Ink's focus on accessibility is formalizing support for keyboard
shortcuts. Components will be able to easily list keyboard shortcuts
that trigger an element, providing both a visual indicator and ARIA
information for screen readers.

Keyboard shortcuts will be registered in the new
KeyboardShortcutRegistry model, which takes a key, modifier flags, and
a callback handler, and registers it for quick access.

A corresponding KeyboardShortcutRegistryView can be attached to an
existing element and a registry model to invoke the handlers when those
keys are pressed.

Once attached, a registry view can be found on any ancestor DOM element
by using KeyboardShortcutRegistryView.findNearestRegistryView.
Similarly, a nearest registry can be found using
findNearestRegistry().. This makes it easy for components to
automatically register with the correct registry.

The plan is to eventually let the view pop up a dialog when ? is
pressed, to show the available keyboard shortcuts. This has been a
long-standing plan for Review Board, and with these new foundational
classes, we'll be able to offer this.

Unit tests pass.

