Add expected queries and enhance tests for Group access queries.

Review Request #13406 — Created Nov. 7, 2023 and submitted — Latest diff uploaded


Review Board


This introduces the
module for query-building functions for tests. It contains the following

  • get_review_groups_accessible_q()
  • get_review_groups_accessible_prep_equeries()
  • get_review_groups_accessible_equeries()
  • get_review_groups_accessible_ids_equeries()

These generate expected Q objects and queries that matches calls to
Group.objects.accessible() and Group.objects.accessible_ids().
They're written in a verbose manner that ensures we only ever test
against finalized Q expressions, to minimize chances of regressions or
unexpected behavior.

The unit tests for .accessible() and .accessible_ids() have been
completely rewritten. They now check against these expected queries, but
they've also been expanded considerably to more thoroughly check access
with positive and negative test data, to better catch regressions. The
approach being used here will be carried over to other accessibility
tests for the next batch of this peformance work.

Unit tests pass.

