Tweak health check configuration, add documentation, and use it in Docker.

Review Request #13317 — Created Oct. 9, 2023 and submitted — Latest diff uploaded


Review Board


This makes a few updates to health checks, to ease usage outside of our
own Docker setup:

  1. The endpoint has been renamed from /_health/ to /health/, making
    it clear it's meant to be used outside of Review Board's own code.

  2. The list of accessible IPs now defaults to ['', '::1'],
    as opposed to the INTERNAL_IPS default of [].

  3. A HEALTHCHECK_IPS setting has been added for custom IPs. That
    combines with the defaults and is used to generate
    DJBLETS_HEALTHCHECK_IPS. A default for this is in the generated

The Docker image has been updated to use the new health check endpoint.

New documentation has been written to help users configure monitoring of
the health check endpoint and to customize access.

Tested the Docker image, temporarily shutting down the cache and
database servers and monitoring the health status.

Tested adding my IP to the list of internal IPs and verifying output.

Built the docs. Checked for build errors, spelling errors, and bad links.

