Deprecate execute(), allow it to return strings or bytes and make stripping whitespace from the output optional.

Review Request #13283 — Created Sept. 22, 2023 and submitted — Latest diff uploaded




Our rbtools.hooks.common.execute() function uses subprocess.Popen and
Popen.communicate to execute commands and read their output. Between Python 2
and 3, subprocess.Popen(...).communicate() changed from returning a tuple of
strings to a tuple of bytes. This breaks some of our hook util methods in
rbtools.hooks.git where we try to perform string operations on the output
of execute(), but we receive bytes instead of strings.

Python 3.7 added a text parameter to Popen to control whether file
objects, stdin, stdout, and stderr are opened in text mode or binary mode.
We make use of that parameter by adding our own text parameter to execute()
to control whether to return the stdout output as a string or bytes. This
defaults to False to match the default behavior of Popen in Python 3.

This also makes it optional to strip whitespace from the output, instead of
always stripping it. This is useful when dealing with commands where we
need to preserve the whitespace in the output, such as with git diff.

This changes also deprecates the rbtools.hooks.common.execute() function
in favour of rbtools.utils.process.run_process(), which is more
future-proof and has better type safety.

  • Ran into an error when running the git pre-receive hook, which came
    from the clash between string and bytes. Applied this fix and ran
    the hook again, saw that the error was gone.
  • Ran unit tests.

Changes between revision 2 and 3



Summary ID Author
Ensure that the execute method returns strings and not bytes.
921420575482c61627cc5bb5e505e8f81bb5e897 Michelle Aubin
Ensure that the execute method returns strings and not bytes.
0e4cabeba8b1268d29bf4f4468916dfd42b0a722 Michelle Aubin