Create a field state label view.

Review Request #13242 — Created Aug. 31, 2023 and submitted — Latest diff uploaded


Review Board


This change adds a view for a field state label, a pill shaped label that
displays the state of a field, like our Draft/Submitted/Discarded state labels
for review requests in the dashboard. This can be used on review request
fields to show which fields have been modified in a review request draft.
We'll make use of the label in an upcoming change for file attachments, to
help display which file attachments are new, new revisions, drafts, or
pending deletion.

Right now the label is pretty simple, but it could be expanded upon in the
future to allow a button for reverting a field, diffing the change of a
field, etc. We currently have draft and deleted color themes for the label.

  • Used in the upcoming file attachments change.
  • Attached the label to the summary field.

