Fix up import paths and groups in new TypeScript code.

Review Request #13171 — Created Aug. 1, 2023 and submitted


Review Board


As we've defined how our JS codebase is going to work going forward,
we've not been terribly disciplined about how we do imports. This change
makes everything consistent with three import groups (3rd party, other
modules, and the current module) that kind of matches the way that our
Python code works. Where we can, this has been simplified to import
everything from the top-level indexes, which makes sorting things
alphabetically by module name much easier.

Ran js-tests.

Summary ID
Fix up import paths and groups in new TypeScript code.
As we've defined how our JS codebase is going to work going forward, we've not been terribly disciplined about how we do imports. This change makes everything consistent with three import groups (3rd party, other modules, and the current module) that kind of matches the way that our Python code works. Where we can, this has been simplified to import everything from the top-level indexes, which makes sorting things alphabetically by module name much easier. Testing Done: Ran js-tests.
Description From Last Updated

This module is within this bundle, so it should use a relative import in a separate import group.


Should reviewboard/common be before reviewboard/common/...?


common should be before ui.


reviewRequestEditorModel sorts before reviewablePageModel (R < a).


This is in the same bundle, so it should use relative imports.


common before ui.


Isn't this one supposed to be a relative import since its in the same bundle?


Should we import this one from reviewboard/common like we do with ReviewReply?

  1. We should document the import rules in Notion.

    To make sure I have this right (maybe this would be good for the description), do higher-level paths sort before deeper paths? E.g. ../z sorts before ./a?

  2. Show all issues

    This module is within this bundle, so it should use a relative import in a separate import group.

  3. Show all issues

    Should reviewboard/common be before reviewboard/common/...?

  4. reviewboard/static/rb/js/reviews/views/reviewablePageView.ts (Diff revision 1)
    Show all issues

    common should be before ui.

  5. Show all issues

    reviewRequestEditorModel sorts before reviewablePageModel (R < a).

  6. Show all issues

    This is in the same bundle, so it should use relative imports.

  7. Show all issues

    common before ui.

  1. Thanks for standardizing these! Looking forward to having a document in Notion for this too.

  2. Show all issues

    Isn't this one supposed to be a relative import since its in the same bundle?

    1. UserSession is kind of a special case, when combined with test files. The tests are their own bundle, even though we import related things relatively (though I'm wondering if perhaps we should change that). Doing a cross-bundle import into the test file and then having other things get it from the common bundle meant that we actually had two singleton instances.

  3. Show all issues

    Should we import this one from reviewboard/common like we do with ReviewReply?

  1. Ship It!
Review request changed
Change Summary:
Pushed to release-6.x (1119cbf)