Cap the kombu and RBTools dependencies on Python < 3.8.

Review Request #13081 — Created May 30, 2023 and submitted — Latest diff uploaded




Kombu is dropping Python 3.7 support in their upcoming 5.3 releases,
which are available on PyPI right now as pre-releases. When installing
Review Bot via eggs, easy_install doesn't know to avoid pre-releases
(or to consider supported Python version metadata), so we have to cap
this until we drop support for Python 2.7 and can depend fully on

RBTools dropped Python 2.7 and 3.6 in RBTools 4. We had a pretty old
minimum version, so I've taken the opportunity to bump that up. We now
depend on RBTools 3.x for Python 2.7/3.7, and RBTools 4.x or higher for
newer releases.

Successfully installed into new Python 2.7, 3.7, and 3.8 environments.

Diff Revision 1 (Latest)


First Last Summary ID Author
Cap the kombu and RBTools dependencies on Python < 3.8.
Kombu is dropping Python 3.7 support in their upcoming 5.3 releases, which are available on PyPI right now as pre-releases. When installing Review Bot via eggs, `easy_install` doesn't know to avoid pre-releases (or to consider supported Python version metadata), so we have to cap this until we drop support for Python 2.7 and can depend fully on wheels. RBTools dropped Python 2.7 and 3.6 in RBTools 4. We had a pretty old minimum version, so I've taken the opportunity to bump that up. We now depend on RBTools 3.x for Python 2.7/3.7, and RBTools 4.x or higher for newer releases.
c244a1e32febb8c7182f060901b6322fc253b152 Christian Hammond

