Add support for a $sitedir/venv directory and activate it when found.

Review Request #13056 — Created May 19, 2023 and submitted — Latest diff uploaded


Review Board


As part of an effort to move toward encouraging virtualenv-based
management of Review Board installs, this change updates our WSGI
entrypoint and our auto-generated configurations to detect and
sanity-check a virtualenv setup and activate it if available.

reviewboard/ now looks to see if we have a $sitedir/venv
directory. If it exists, and we're not already in a virtualenv, it will
make sure the right files are present and then activate it. If anything
is missing, a RuntimeError will be raised with instructions, helping
admins sort out the issue.

Validation checks for the presence of an (which is
created by virtualenv but not python -m venv) and a pythonX.Y
binary matching the currently-executing Python version.

Environment variables are built from the new state, ensuring
subprocesses will see the correct versions of binaries and packages.

This also adds a $sitedir/bin to $PATH, giving us a place to put
executables like p4 without placing them in system directories.

Tested with both a global Python and a virtualenv-backed install.
Verified that the venv directory was present for a virtualenv-backed
install, and that its environment was properly used in a default Apache,
uWSGI, and Gunicorn setup.

Tested pruning some of the virtualenv dir to hit the WSGI error checks.
Verified the resulting errors.

