Rework the documentation for automated code reviews.

Review Request #12852 — Created Feb. 28, 2023 and submitted — Latest diff uploaded


Review Board


This fleshes out the "Automated Code Reviews" page further, providing
the page with the following sections:

  1. Choosing Your Tools: A section on the available tools we provide
    (Review Bot, Jenkins, CircleCI, Travis CI)

  2. Configuring Automated Reviews: General information on configuration
    and links to relevant documentation.

  3. Performing Automated Reviews: Talks about how automated reviews are
    typically ran automatically, but that they can be configured with a
    Run button.

  4. Automated Review Status and Results: Where status for automated
    reviews appear, how they update, and what to expect for failing
    reviews. This is a rewrite of the original primary section for the

  5. Developing Automated Review Tools: Some basic information on how to
    write custom tooling for automatic reviews.

There's also a glossary item added for "status update" and "status
updates", which we can refer to in public or codebase documentation.

Built the docs and read through them. Checked for spelling errors,
bad links, and build errors.

