Bump our dependency on Bleach to 6.0.x.

Review Request #12850 — Created Feb. 27, 2023 and submitted — Latest diff uploaded


Review Board


We've been using an older version of Bleach (3.x) for some time now.
This is pretty out of date, and there's no reason not to move to 6.x.

This change moves us onto 6.0.x, which is fully compatible with the
exception that it's more strict about a parameter that needed to be a
set and not a list.

Bleach 6 is compatible with Python >= 3.7, so it's safe as a dependency
for Review Board 5.

All unit tests passed.

Tried various HTML snippets and attacks, and didn't hit any issues.

Diff Revision 1 (Latest)


First Last Summary ID Author
Bump our dependency on Bleach to 6.0.x.
We've been using an older version of Bleach (3.x) for some time now. This is pretty out of date, and there's no reason not to move to 6.x. This change moves us onto 6.0.x, which is fully compatible with the exception that it's more strict about a parameter that needed to be a `set` and not a `list.` Bleach 6 is compatible with Python >= 3.7, so it's safe as a dependency for Review Board 5.
7004c4496d5428dee622ec6b883349ca6802888c Christian Hammond