Ensure proper compatibility for our JavaScript in Djblets.

Review Request #12801 — Created Jan. 23, 2023 and submitted




package.json has been updated to specify the minimum Node.js version
we require (>= 14.0.0), to avoid any confusing errors when building
static media.

The .babelrc file has been renamed to babel.config.json. This is the
modern filename, and some tools expect it, skipping .babelrc. We also
have the option to make this babel.config.js in the future, letting us
make the file more dynamic, if needed.

We also now define the dedent and django-gettext plugins, which
weren't previously enabled for Rollup-based JavaScript bundles. These
dependencies are provided by @beanbag/frontend-buildkit.

Removed node_modules and re-installed. Tested Review Board with the
new Djblets static media setup, and tested building a Djblets package.
Both worked.

Summary ID
Ensure proper compatibility for our JavaScript in Djblets.
`package.json` has been updated to specify the minimum Node.js version we require (>= 14.0.0), to avoid any confusing errors when building static media. The `.babelrc` file has been renamed to `babel.config.json`. This is the modern filename, and some tools expect it, skipping `.babelrc`. We also have the option to make this `babel.config.js` in the future, letting us make the file more dynamic, if needed. We also now define the `dedent` and `django-gettext` plugins, which weren't previously enabled for Rollup-based JavaScript bundles. These dependencies are provided by `@beanbag/frontend-buildkit`.
  1. Ship It!
Review request changed
Change Summary:
Pushed to release-4.x (39f842f)