Disentangle styles for review request tabs and improve tab layout.

Review Request #12749 — Created Dec. 1, 2022 and submitted — Latest diff uploaded


Review Board


The review request tabs element was also adding the review-request-actions
class, picking up a whole bunch of style rules. Most of these rules were
not necessary, either being specific to actions, or overridden by the

This change splits those up, and also redoes the tab layout using our
new CSS component style. With this, the layout and CSS use our modern
standards, and use the more-semantic <menu> element. I've also added
ARIA attributes where appropriate to ensure that these elements include
the proper roles and attributes.

  • Looked at and interacted with reviews, diff, and file attachment tabs in
    Firefox, Chrome, and Safari. Verified that functionality and
    appearance are correct.
  • Used a11y debug tools to validate the layout and roles of the tabs.

