Fix unit tests for the "New Review Request" page.

Review Request #12152 — Created March 14, 2022 and submitted


Review Board


The change to make filtering run server-side on the new review request
page broke some unit tests. We had several that listed out the expected
context data, which has changed somewhat. These have been updated. We
also had some JS tests to test the filtering, but because that filtering
now happens server-side, those no longer make sense. That same
functionality is now covered by the tests for the CollectionView and

Ran python and JS unit tests.

Summary ID
Fix unit tests for the "New Review Request" page.
The change to make filtering run server-side on the new review request page broke some unit tests. We had several that listed out the expected context data, which has changed somewhat. These have been updated. We also had some JS tests to test the filtering, but because that filtering now happens server-side, those no longer make sense. That same functionality is now covered by the tests for the `CollectionView` and `ResourceCollection`. Testing Done: - Ran python and JS unit tests.
  1. Ship It!
Review request changed
Change Summary:
Pushed to release-4.0.x (c53c624)