API method to get a list of all [depot] filenames in a diff

Review Request #1199 — Created Nov. 8, 2009 and discarded — Latest diff uploaded


Review Board


Review 1013 (http://reviews.reviewboard.org/r/1013/) is useful to me, but I am trying to get a list of all of [latest] filenames in a review request.
This change extends Mak's (1013) change to allow me to do that.

This solution requires two JSON calls for me to get a list of filenames.
1) http://server/reviewrequests/%d/diff/
2) http://server/diff/%d/filenames/

In all honesty, I don't actually like needing to make two JSON calls when I could implement what I need in one JSON call.

So, Option #2, I would much prefer the a single request such as:
(This always gets the filenames from the latest diff revision)

Option #3, another alternative, would be to get a list of filenames directly from a reviewrequest's diff revisions:

Option #3 is kindof slick, but I prefer Option #2, since this doesn't obligate me to complicate the API with a "latest" revision alias.

Finally, would Mak be OK w/ me changing his API from "/diff/" to "/diffs/"?
Change is still open to debate, so no test(s) added yet.