Mark Diff ACLs and the DiffX parser as experimental.

Review Request #11986 — Created Jan. 24, 2022 and submitted — Latest diff uploaded


Review Board


Diff ACLs and DiffX support are two major features that are in testing
with customers, and are going to be highlights of the 5.0 release.
Still, we want customers on 4.0 to be able to begin experimenting with
these, and have the freedom to alter the APIs if necessary.

This change marks both as experimental.

For DiffXParser, this is just a documentation change, as it's only
used by SCMs that explicitly create it for now (there's no wide-spread
DiffX support across SCMs).

For FileDiffACLHook usage, this is walled off by a diff_acls_feature
feature check, which is marked as experimental by default. Users will
need to enable this feature if they want to try it for now. We'll mark
it as stable in 5.0.

Unit tests pass.

Diff Revision 2 (Latest)



First Last Summary ID Author
Mark Diff ACLs and the DiffX parser as experimental.
Diff ACLs and DiffX support are two major features that are in testing with customers, and are going to be highlights of the 5.0 release. Still, we want customers on 4.0 to be able to begin experimenting with these, and have the freedom to alter the APIs if necessary. This change marks both as experimental. For `DiffXParser`, this is just a documentation change, as it's only used by SCMs that explicitly create it for now (there's no wide-spread DiffX support across SCMs). For `FileDiffACLHook` usage, this is walled off by a `diff_acls_feature` feature check, which is marked as experimental by default. Users will need to enable this feature if they want to try it for now. We'll mark it as stable in 5.0.
5fc4f7818d465c7ada80f09fd9b173c47b7a3ec5 Christian Hammond