Use named modules for integration modules logger.

Review Request #11812 — Created Sept. 17, 2021 and submitted — Latest diff uploaded


Review Board


When using a logger, one of the challenges that you can run into is
determining where a logger is being called. This uncertainty can be
removed by providing the logger with a name. While you could choose
to name loggers yourselfdepending on the usecase, the recommended
convention is to use Python's __name__ variable to easily identify
where the logger is acting. One instance within the codebase that
used an unnamed logger was within reviewboard/reviewboard/integrations/. is the only file (excluding tests) within /integrations/ that
uses a logger, so it has been renamed with
__name__ to reviewboard.integrations.models.

This update did require a change to test_configs within integrations as well
to ensure it knew which logger to listen to.

- Ran all of the python unit tests once the changes were added

