WIP Added testing skeleton for the reviewbotext directory

Review Request #11237 — Created Oct. 21, 2020 and updated — Latest diff uploaded




Fixed comment length (changed to 70 characters)

Added .nosids and .test_notes to .gitignore (Note: I'm hoping I did it properly. I may have only added the file name and not a path so please let me know if I messed up).

Moved all subclasses from the previous runtests.py file into their own files.

Added more empty function definitions in the new files that match the tests I have planned for that file.

Also, I'm assuming I'm going to have flake8 errors again. I'm not exactly sure how to execute "flake8 --ignore E121,E125,E129,E241 --max-line-length 79 PATH" locally as it gives me an error in my terminal. If anyone knows what I'm doing wrong please let me know.