Add the ability to toggle display of entire files.

Review Request #11210 — Created Oct. 5, 2020 and updated — Latest diff uploaded


Review Board


The current diff viewer shows the changes for all files and it can be
tedious to scroll through, especially with large changes. Adding the
ability to hide/unhide files will better allow users to look at only
a subset of the changes at once.

We added a toggle to the header for each file that collapses the file
to a single line filename. Toggling a collapsed file header will expand
the entire file. This feature is referenced from the toggling of
Reviews in a Review Request. When the toggle button is clicked,
jQuery toggle() is called on the revision-row class and tbody
attribute. The toggle() function works toggling the CSS display
property between display: none.

Wrote onToggleCollapseClicked in diffReviewableViewTests.es6.js.

