Add a Credential Checker tool for Review Bot

Review Request #11206 — Created Sept. 27, 2020 and submitted




This change adds a tool for Review Bot to check for hard-coded security
credentials. I used regex to search on the patterns of the known
credential types. The result may include false positives.

Verified the functionality by installing the tool and manual

Summary ID Author
Add a Credential Checker tool for Review Bot.
This change adds a tool for Review Bot to check for hard-coded security credentials. I used regex to search on the patterns of the known credential types. The result may include false positive. Testing Done: Verified the functionality by installing the integration and manual testing. Reviewed at
61f178b4b2b176e3b60e9e10c145e99929c2afe1 ceciliaccwei

Description From Last Updated

Hmm, so I know in the project description we called it "AWS Credential Checker" but I wonder if we shouldn't …


In your description, you say it "adds an integration". The lingo we use in review bot is "adds a tool"


Filenames should always be lowercase and consistent with files in the same directory. We don't have any others with capitalization …


This docstring almost reads as if "AWS Credential Checker" is a third-party tool that can be run. Let's say something …


For imports, we have a standard based on Python's style guide. Imports should be broken up into 4 possible sections …


Same here as the module docstring.


There's nothing in this that requires using the raw string (r prefix). This should also use single-quotes instead of double.


We're compiling the regex once per file, but of course it will never change. Can we define an __init__ method …


We can avoid writing the file out to disk and reading it back in. Let's do something like: data = …


I don't think we need to list the actual contents of the keys in the comment message, since it will …


It seems like we could probably just do this inside the loop that is doing all the matches.


It'd be nice to include what services this checks for.


This is missing a docstring.


We always want to use super to call parent methods.


I have some notes for improving this. 1. Raw strings Let's prefix each string with r, which is for a …


Is there anything more specific and easy to match than this? It feels pretty generic.


There shouldn't be ablank line after function/method-level docstrings. Just file/class.


Here's an interesting thing. We cannot assume UTF-8 here. Plenty of files are in other encodings. So what we should …


Every time we call, we're re-fetching pattern from self. For a 5,000 line file, that means 5,000 attribute accesses. …


There should always be a blank line between statements (like match = ...) and blocks (if ...).


When formatting multi-line strings, we prefer using parens and having the space at the end of a line instead of …


There should be a blank line between the statement and block.


We should log if this fails. To do this, at the top, import logging and do: logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) This …


The name doesn't reflect the conventions used elsewhere. We may also want to distinguish it from other tools by prefixing …


E999 SyntaxError: invalid syntax


E999 SyntaxError: invalid syntax


Instead of "if a credential has been committed", perhaps "check for hard-coded security credentials"? Same in the docstrings throughout this.


E999 SyntaxError: invalid syntax


Hmm, I'm not sure about this comment text. Perhaps something like "This appears to be a hard-coded credential, which is …


I don't think any of the other tools wrap f.comment in an exception handler. Were you encountering some problem?


This text can wrap to a wider width (80 columns). Also same comment about the description text as in the …


E999 SyntaxError: invalid syntax


Exclamation points are rarely if ever appropriate for use in UI text, even for security notices. Let's just use a …


Even though it's > 80 columns, let's put this all on one line. Wrapping like this is hard to read …


Can we add a blank line between these two?


E999 SyntaxError: invalid syntax


Just a thought regarding the syntax error: maybe try using rb""" ... """ with triple double-quotes?


We're only using the match once, so this can be combined: if f.comment(...)


E501 line too long (94 > 79 characters)


E999 SyntaxError: invalid syntax


This is only used in one place, so we might as well skip assigning the local variable and just use …


E501 line too long (94 > 79 characters)


I noticed a similar situation in the ShellCheck Tool and figured that it would be worth highlighting here as well. …


E999 SyntaxError: invalid syntax


E501 line too long (94 > 79 characters)


E999 SyntaxError: invalid syntax


E501 line too long (94 > 79 characters)

  1. This is a great start!

  2. Show all issues

    Hmm, so I know in the project description we called it "AWS Credential Checker" but I wonder if we shouldn't make this more generic. It would be nice to be able to add on other common credential types (SSH keys, etc.)

    1. I actually had that as a potential task of the tool which I thought about discussing later this week.

      My thoughts are the following:
      1. Rename the tool as Secret Scanner or something similar so that it can be a generic credential checker.
      2. When the admin installs the tool, a list of checkboxes of different secret types will be presented. Then he can decides which ones to check.
      (We can also scan for every type of secret, but I was not sure if we need to.)

  3. Show all issues

    In your description, you say it "adds an integration". The lingo we use in review bot is "adds a tool"

    1. Will update that in revision.

  4. Show all issues

    This docstring almost reads as if "AWS Credential Checker" is a third-party tool that can be run. Let's say something like "Review Bot tool to check for hardcoded credentials"

    1. Will update that in revision.

  5. bot/reviewbot/tools/ (Diff revision 1)
    Show all issues

    For imports, we have a standard based on Python's style guide. Imports should be broken up into 4 possible sections separated by newlines.

    imports from __future__
    standard library imports (that would be your re import)
    imports from third-party libraries not in the standard library. This can include imports from other packages that we maintain, such as rbtools.
    imports from "this package" (meaning anything in reviewbot)

    Within that, we do any full-package imports first (import ...), followed by any from imports. All of that should be alphabetized. What you have is simple enough that most of those rules don't apply, but the sections need to be reorganized as such:

    from __future__ import unicode_literals
    import re
    from import Tool
    1. Thanks for letting me know. I will keep that in mind.

  6. Show all issues

    Same here as the module docstring.

  7. Show all issues

    There's nothing in this that requires using the raw string (r prefix). This should also use single-quotes instead of double.

  8. Show all issues

    We're compiling the regex once per file, but of course it will never change. Can we define an __init__ method for the tool, and store the compiled regex as an attribute?

    1. The Tool class already has an init method, if we add an init method in the AWS_Credential_Checker tool, would the previous one get overriden?

  9. bot/reviewbot/tools/ (Diff revision 1)
    Show all issues

    We can avoid writing the file out to disk and reading it back in. Let's do something like:

    data = f.patched_file_contents
    if not data:
    for i, line in enumerate(data.splitlines()):
    1. Oh I see what you mean now. Sorry I mixed up the concept of "patched_file_contents" with "patched_contents". Will address in revision.

  10. bot/reviewbot/tools/ (Diff revision 1)
    Show all issues

    I don't think we need to list the actual contents of the keys in the comment message, since it will be associated with the line and show up with the context. That lets us simplify the message to something warning that they're potentially hard-coding secret credentials in their code.

    In the future, one thing to be really careful about is the use of str in Python code. On Python 2, str (aka bytes) is a bytestring and unicode is a unicode string. On Python 3, str is unicode and bytes is bytes, which makes a lot more sense. Any time there's a potential mix of string types we need to be really careful, especially since Python 3 treats such mixing as an error but Python 2 will happily attempt to cast silently.

    1. Makes sense. Will address in revision. Thanks!

  11. If we make the above change to use patched_file_contents then this point is moot, but one cool thing about Python is you can use files as a context manager:

    with open(path) as f:
        ... do stuff with f...

    When the code exits the context of that with block, it will automatically close the file. This happens even if there's an exception that occurs within the block, and helps prevent open file descriptor leaks.

    1. I see. Thanks for the feedback, I will keep that in mind. And I will use patched_file_contents instead of reading the actual file.

  12. bot/reviewbot/tools/ (Diff revision 1)
    Show all issues

    It seems like we could probably just do this inside the loop that is doing all the matches.

    1. Right. I was referring to the other tools but since they are all executing a certain command and analyzing the output, there's no way to do so. I fogot to take that into account. Will update in revision.

    1. Everything looks good to me!

  2. Show all issues

    Filenames should always be lowercase and consistent with files in the same directory. We don't have any others with capitalization or underscores.

    Let's call this one

  3. Show all issues

    It'd be nice to include what services this checks for.

  4. Show all issues

    This is missing a docstring.

  5. Show all issues

    We always want to use super to call parent methods.

  6. bot/reviewbot/tools/ (Diff revision 3)
    Show all issues

    I have some notes for improving this.

    1. Raw strings

    Let's prefix each string with r, which is for a raw string. This allows suff like \n to literally match the text \n, not a newline. It's often handy for regexes, and helps avoid mistakes in the future.

    2. Alphabetizing

    Let's alphabetize the keys, so it's more clear where any new ones should go.

    3. Performance

    Currently, every time the tool is initialized, we reconstruct the pattern from the strings in a dictionary. I think there are two things we should do:

    1. Check for and store the pattern on the class during initialization (so we only construct it once per process) — this is probably best moved to __init__ in the process.
    2. Build this as one big regex.

    The latter would look like:

    pattern = re.compile(
        # AWS Access Key
        # AWS Secret Key
        )''', re.X)

    This is faster and allows expressions to be more free-form and have room to breathe.

    4. Alphabetization

    I'm tempted to say we shouldn't trust that the content is going to always be in the same casing. We don't want to miss something just because someone pasted a SSH key that had bEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY.

    Ideally we'd use Python 3.7+'s ability to mark subsections of regexes as case-insensitive, but we can't. We could just require it for the whole string by using the re.I option on re.compile().

    Interested in hearing your thoughts on that.

    1. Thanks for the feedback! I have a few questions though -
      For 1, before I used the patterns as pattern = r"AKIA[0-9A-Z]{16}|[0-9a-zA-Z/+]{40}" and David suggested that there's nothing in the pattern that requires using the raw string (r prefix). I re-read the usage of the r prefix and I agree that nothing in those patterns requires using it. I don't think there's any \n in the patterns for now. Is this for adding more patterns in the future? i.e. we might need to add more patterns later and some of them might contain the '\n' charater. So it would be better to keep these consistent?

      For 3.1, do you mind clarifyng on this? I thought putting the self.checker_init() in the __init__ addressed this. I was thinking store the compiled regex as part of the __init__ so the patterns only need to be compiled once during initilization.

      For 4, for example I currently have [aA][wW][sS].*[0-9a-zA-Z/+]{40}, if we were to use re.I, then should I just change this to aws.*[0-9a-z/+]{40} since the match is case insensitive?

  7. Show all issues

    Is there anything more specific and easy to match than this? It feels pretty generic.

    1. I didn't find a more reliable source but that's what is used by truffleHog and gitleaks.

  8. bot/reviewbot/tools/ (Diff revision 3)
    Show all issues

    There shouldn't be ablank line after function/method-level docstrings. Just file/class.

  9. Show all issues

    Here's an interesting thing. We cannot assume UTF-8 here. Plenty of files are in other encodings.

    So what we should do is leave this as a byte string, and have the compiled regex also be a byte string. Then we don't have to think about encodings. This is also faster.

    1. Got it! Will address in the revision.

  10. Show all issues

    Every time we call, we're re-fetching pattern from self. For a 5,000 line file, that means 5,000 attribute accesses.

    Instead, let's pull pattern out of self before the loop, and access it directly as a local variable.

  11. bot/reviewbot/tools/ (Diff revision 3)
    Show all issues

    There should always be a blank line between statements (like match = ...) and blocks (if ...).

  12. bot/reviewbot/tools/ (Diff revision 3)
    Show all issues

    When formatting multi-line strings, we prefer using parens and having the space at the end of a line instead of the beginning.

    However, this can just be provided inline to f.comment().

  13. bot/reviewbot/tools/ (Diff revision 3)
    Show all issues

    There should be a blank line between the statement and block.

  14. bot/reviewbot/tools/ (Diff revision 3)
    Show all issues

    We should log if this fails. To do this, at the top, import logging and do:

    logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

    This gives us a logger that will namespace any messages, making it clear which tool this is coming from. You can then call logger.exception(...) with suitable information.

    1. Will do. I was referring to flake8 but looks like other tools all have this logging. I will have a review request to log for flake8's exception as well.

  15. bot/ (Diff revision 3)
    Show all issues

    The name doesn't reflect the conventions used elsewhere. We may also want to distinguish it from other tools by prefixing it. How about rbcredentialcheck?

Review request changed
Change Summary:

Addressed feedback.

Summary ID Author
Add a Credential Checker tool for Review Bot
This change adds a tool for Review Bot to detect if a secret/credential is included in the commit. I used regex to search on the patterns of the known credential types. The result may include false positive. Testing Done: Verified the functionality by installing the integration and manual testing. Reviewed at
49a03565f1bda720bd13cb7c13e348bb49e26b5d ceciliaccwei
Add a Credential Checker tool for Review Bot
This change adds a tool for Review Bot to detect if a secret/credential is included in the commit. I used regex to search on the patterns of the known credential types. The result may include false positive. Testing Done: Verified the functionality by installing the integration and manual testing. Reviewed at
b970b67ac8164a4d56aa4773d503162d184dd5fe ceciliaccwei

Checks run (1 failed, 1 succeeded)

flake8 failed.
JSHint passed.


Review request changed
Change Summary:


Summary ID Author
Add a Credential Checker tool for Review Bot
This change adds a tool for Review Bot to detect if a secret/credential is included in the commit. I used regex to search on the patterns of the known credential types. The result may include false positive. Testing Done: Verified the functionality by installing the integration and manual testing. Reviewed at
b970b67ac8164a4d56aa4773d503162d184dd5fe ceciliaccwei
Add a Credential Checker tool for Review Bot
This change adds a tool for Review Bot to detect if a secret/credential is included in the commit. I used regex to search on the patterns of the known credential types. The result may include false positive. Testing Done: Verified the functionality by installing the integration and manual testing. Reviewed at
cd5abaa19b36743f07e76f5f563ba1135b3c6d39 ceciliaccwei

Checks run (1 failed, 1 succeeded)

flake8 failed.
JSHint passed.


Review request changed
Change Summary:

Added tool documentation.

Summary ID Author
Add a Credential Checker tool for Review Bot
This change adds a tool for Review Bot to detect if a secret/credential is included in the commit. I used regex to search on the patterns of the known credential types. The result may include false positive. Testing Done: Verified the functionality by installing the integration and manual testing. Reviewed at
cd5abaa19b36743f07e76f5f563ba1135b3c6d39 ceciliaccwei
Add a Credential Checker tool for Review Bot
This change adds a tool for Review Bot to detect if a secret/credential is included in the commit. I used regex to search on the patterns of the known credential types. The result may include false positive. Testing Done: Verified the functionality by installing the integration and manual testing. Reviewed at
71a52ba995d527277c31268d5f142e11caa98e97 ceciliaccwei

Checks run (1 failed, 1 succeeded)

flake8 failed.
JSHint passed.


  1. Looking pretty great!

  2. bot/reviewbot/tools/ (Diff revision 6)
    Show all issues

    Instead of "if a credential has been committed", perhaps "check for hard-coded security credentials"?

    Same in the docstrings throughout this.

  3. bot/reviewbot/tools/ (Diff revision 6)
    Show all issues

    Hmm, I'm not sure about this comment text. Perhaps something like "This appears to be a hard-coded credential, which is a potential security risk" ?

  4. bot/reviewbot/tools/ (Diff revision 6)
    Show all issues

    I don't think any of the other tools wrap f.comment in an exception handler. Were you encountering some problem?

    1. Before I had another line inside the try block which could cause exceptions. I forgot to remove the try block after removing that.

      The feedback was addressed in the revision.

  5. docs/reviewbot/tools/rbcredentialchecker.rst (Diff revision 6)
    Show all issues

    This text can wrap to a wider width (80 columns). Also same comment about the description text as in the credential checker source.

Review request changed
Change Summary:

Addressed feedback.


This change adds a tool for Review Bot to detect if a secret/credential

~   is included in the commit. I used regex to search on the patterns of the
~   known credential types. The result may include false positives.


This change adds a tool for Review Bot to check for hard-coded security

  ~ credentials. I used regex to search on the patterns of the known
  ~ credential types. The result may include false positives.

Summary ID Author
Add a Credential Checker tool for Review Bot
This change adds a tool for Review Bot to detect if a secret/credential is included in the commit. I used regex to search on the patterns of the known credential types. The result may include false positive. Testing Done: Verified the functionality by installing the integration and manual testing. Reviewed at
71a52ba995d527277c31268d5f142e11caa98e97 ceciliaccwei
Add a Credential Checker tool for Review Bot
This change adds a tool for Review Bot to check for hard-coded security credentials. I used regex to search on the patterns of the known credential types. The result may include false positive. Testing Done: Verified the functionality by installing the integration and manual testing. Reviewed at
4b2a7b5a327ad3663b6cadb774d9152be2debf6f ceciliaccwei
Added Files:

Checks run (1 failed, 1 succeeded)

flake8 failed.
JSHint passed.


  2. Show all issues

    Exclamation points are rarely if ever appropriate for use in UI text, even for security notices. Let's just use a period.

  3. bot/ (Diff revision 7)
    Show all issues

    Even though it's > 80 columns, let's put this all on one line. Wrapping like this is hard to read and error-prone.

  4. Show all issues

    Can we add a blank line between these two?

    1. Addressed in revision.

Review request changed
Change Summary:

Addressed feedback

Summary ID Author
Add a Credential Checker tool for Review Bot
This change adds a tool for Review Bot to check for hard-coded security credentials. I used regex to search on the patterns of the known credential types. The result may include false positive. Testing Done: Verified the functionality by installing the integration and manual testing. Reviewed at
4b2a7b5a327ad3663b6cadb774d9152be2debf6f ceciliaccwei
Add a Credential Checker tool for Review Bot.
This change adds a tool for Review Bot to check for hard-coded security credentials. I used regex to search on the patterns of the known credential types. The result may include false positive. Testing Done: Verified the functionality by installing the integration and manual testing. Reviewed at
a9c1b08ef4a3db109c000f31e27d728411d999c9 ceciliaccwei

Checks run (1 failed, 1 succeeded)

flake8 failed.
JSHint passed.


  2. Show all issues

    Just a thought regarding the syntax error: maybe try using rb""" ... """ with triple double-quotes?

    1. I changed to this in the newest revision. However, it did not resolve the syntax error. I did not get any warning locally about this syntax issue when running flake8 --ignore E121,E125,E129,E241 --max-line-length 79 PATH though. And the code can be executed without any issue. So I am not quite sure why flake8 kept considering this as invalid syntax.

    2. OK. I'm guessing it's probably whatever version of flake8 is installed on our server.

  3. bot/reviewbot/tools/ (Diff revision 8)
    Show all issues

    We're only using the match once, so this can be combined:

    1. Addressed in revision.

Review request changed
Change Summary:

Addressed feedback

Summary ID Author
Add a Credential Checker tool for Review Bot.
This change adds a tool for Review Bot to check for hard-coded security credentials. I used regex to search on the patterns of the known credential types. The result may include false positive. Testing Done: Verified the functionality by installing the integration and manual testing. Reviewed at
a9c1b08ef4a3db109c000f31e27d728411d999c9 ceciliaccwei
Add a Credential Checker tool for Review Bot.
This change adds a tool for Review Bot to check for hard-coded security credentials. I used regex to search on the patterns of the known credential types. The result may include false positive. Testing Done: Verified the functionality by installing the integration and manual testing. Reviewed at
68a4eea01e57407603e060708bbe06d7e57c033c ceciliaccwei

Checks run (1 failed, 1 succeeded)

flake8 failed.
JSHint passed.


  1. Looking very solid. I just see one nit left to pick.

  2. Show all issues

    This is only used in one place, so we might as well skip assigning the local variable and just use below.

Review request changed
Summary ID Author
Add a Credential Checker tool for Review Bot.
This change adds a tool for Review Bot to check for hard-coded security credentials. I used regex to search on the patterns of the known credential types. The result may include false positive. Testing Done: Verified the functionality by installing the integration and manual testing. Reviewed at
68a4eea01e57407603e060708bbe06d7e57c033c ceciliaccwei
Add a Credential Checker tool for Review Bot.
This change adds a tool for Review Bot to check for hard-coded security credentials. I used regex to search on the patterns of the known credential types. The result may include false positive. Testing Done: Verified the functionality by installing the integration and manual testing. Reviewed at
49f89daeddf4937e24586eca73811b24f48e2833 ceciliaccwei

Checks run (1 failed, 1 succeeded)

flake8 failed.
JSHint passed.


  1. Looks good to me!

  2. Show all issues

    I noticed a similar situation in the ShellCheck Tool and figured that it would be worth highlighting here as well.

    In short, this will most likely have compatibility issues with python 2.7 and thus should probably be written as super(CredentialCheckerTool, self).__init__().

    1. Addressed in revision.

Review request changed
Change Summary:

Make the super() method python2.7 compatible.

Summary ID Author
Add a Credential Checker tool for Review Bot.
This change adds a tool for Review Bot to check for hard-coded security credentials. I used regex to search on the patterns of the known credential types. The result may include false positive. Testing Done: Verified the functionality by installing the integration and manual testing. Reviewed at
49f89daeddf4937e24586eca73811b24f48e2833 ceciliaccwei
Add a Credential Checker tool for Review Bot.
This change adds a tool for Review Bot to check for hard-coded security credentials. I used regex to search on the patterns of the known credential types. The result may include false positive. Testing Done: Verified the functionality by installing the integration and manual testing. Reviewed at
61f178b4b2b176e3b60e9e10c145e99929c2afe1 ceciliaccwei

Checks run (1 failed, 1 succeeded)

flake8 failed.
JSHint passed.


  1. Ship It!
  1. Ship It!
Review request changed
Change Summary:
Pushed to release-2.0.x (93c8068)