FBInfer for Review Bot

Review Request #11202 — Created Sept. 24, 2020 and submitted — Latest diff uploaded




FBInfer Tool is now working for all the following build configurations:

  • Android
  • Apache Ant
  • Buck
  • C
  • CMake
  • Gradle with and without a Wrapper
  • iOS
  • Java
  • Make
  • Maven
  • Objective-C
  • XCode

The usability of this tool is largely dependent on the setup of a
user's ReviewBoard environment. Meaning that if a user would like to
use Review Bot to test an Android project. The user must have a working
Android SDK in the server instance in which the Review Bot is pulling
down the repository. Setups for each particular environment will be
offered in the documentation. The latest revisions include
optimizations that reduce the usage of infer run. So that it is
executed minimally, to enhance speed and efficiency.

Each build configuration was tested manually with its own environment
and repository. More information about the tests can be found in
Week 3 and Week 4 of my Notion journal: https://bit.ly/351ttRQ.