Fix My Privacy Rights showing empty label.

Review Request #11180 — Created Sept. 18, 2020 and submitted


Review Board


The "My Privacy Rights" page in the user account settings was showing an
orphaned :*. This was for the field label for the consent items, but that
form field didn't have a label defined. The cause here was that the Review
Board form field template was checking if the form had a fields_no_label
attribute, but that was deprecated and removed from Djblets a long time ago.
The correct fix is to check if the field has a label defined.

Manual testing by refreshing the My Privacy Rights page and checking that the
empty label is no longer visible. Other labels on the account forms that are
supposed to be there have been verified to be visible.

Doing a search of fields_no_label on all the reviewboard repositories show
no usage of that particular variable.

Summary ID
Fix My Privacy Rights showing empty label.
Description From Last Updated

Your description is a bit too deep in the weeds. You don't have to tell us what line you changed …

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    Your description is a bit too deep in the weeds. You don't have to tell us what line you changed the code on, or what the code used to say and what it says now--that's what the diff is for.

    In general, for bug fixes, we like to describe what the bug was, what was wrong, and how we fixed it. So something like:

    The "My Privacy Rights" page in the user account settings was showing an orphaned ":*". This was for the field label for the consent items, but that form field didn't have a label defined.
    The cause here was that the Review Board form field template was checking if the form had a fields_no_label attribute, but that was deprecated and removed from Djblets a long time ago. The correct fix is to check if the field has a label defined.

    You can mention that you grepped around for fields_no_label in the testing done section rather than the description. It might be nice to also hear that you looked through some of the other account forms and verified that all the labels that are supposed to be visible still are.

    1. Thanks for the feedback! I updated the description and testing done sections accordingly. Let me know if there is anything else.

  1. Ship It!
Review request changed
Change Summary:
Pushed to release-4.0.x (55b5664)