Tab-based shortcuts on review request page fields.

Review Request #10929 — Created Feb. 29, 2020 and updated — Latest diff uploaded


Review Board


This review request is for the 2nd part of "selecting review request
field" project. The goal of this project is to have tab-based keybaord
shortcuts on review request page fields. (e.g., hitting tab-d focuses
"Description" field).

This project is dependent on "Keyboard shortcut registry"

The project includes a ShortcutHelpDialog which dynamically renders
available keyboard shortcuts on each page as well as their descriptions.
A screenshot is attached below.

Press tab and h on review request page and the dialog is shown (the
shortcuts are displayed as well).

Press tab and d on review request page and Description field is

Press tab and h on dashboard page and the help dialog is shown.

All unit tests passed.

