Unified Review Banner: Review Menu

Review Request #10360 — Created Dec. 13, 2018 and discarded — Latest diff uploaded


Review Board


The Unified Review Banner: Review Menu is a follow-up to the Unified
Review Banner: Base Shell patch #10196.

The Review Menu will be registered on the unified banner and appear
when there is no current draft review. The menu will be displayed on
hover and will allow the user to either create a new, blank review,
or to mark it with "Ship It!". When there is a draft review, a discard
button will be registered on the unified banner to allow the user to
discard the current draft review.

Added new JS tests to test functionality added. All JS tests pass.

Note: there are some tests that will still be added to this patch in
ReviewablePageViewTests to test the changes introduced with the
Unified Review Banner: Review Menu in that file in this patch.