Adding the ability for bots to make general comments

Review Request #10095 — Created July 19, 2018 and discarded — Latest diff uploaded




Adding the ability for bots to make general comments.

Similar to how a tool can post diff comments on a file, they can now also post general comments on the review.
This also paves the way for tools to post file and screenshot comments (but does not add this functionality)

Was able to post an automated review with/without general comments, opening issues on some comments and not on others.
Also posted an automated review with 35 general comments and 1 diff comment -> only 30 got posted, all of which were the general comments.
Likewise posted an automated review with 15 general comments and 17 diff comments -> only 30 (total) got posted, 15 general and 15 diff.
Additionally, tried using an updated Review Board server with a worker without the changes -> No errors, everything works as expected.